Saturday, September 26, 2009

Good bye squirrels :(

Well my little squirrel babies left to Salem today. Brig took them up to a place where people volunteer to take care of baby squirrels till they are old enough to be let out into the wild. We decided last night that taking them there would be the best for all of us. Ever since Sandy showed up on Thursday night I have been really stressed. I could hear a baby squirrel crying as Brig and I were watching t.v, it was dark outside so I grabbed a flash light and ran outside to find the poor baby. It was in our neighbors across the streets tree. I shined the light up there but couldn't find anything. I ran back inside the house to put some pants on (I had shorts on that were not modest and if anyone else came out there I didn't want to see anything) I was right in doing so cause when I went back out there the neighbors were out there looking. We looked up there for like 5 minutes until the poor baby fell out of the tree and with great luck landed on the dirt. The neighbors looked at it and pretty much thought it was a goner so they went back inside, I picked her up and ran back inside the house. I was so scared that she was dead or really badly hurt but she wasn't.I put her in with Randy and Randy freaked out to smell another squirrel. He loved it! She was a sweet little thing. We got her to eat after she warmed up...I hated that she was so cold. Now my little ones are gone...I guess the people told Brig that I did a wonderful job with Randy, they said that not a lot of people cant keep a pinky AKA little naked thing alive. They also told him that they are Fox squirrels. I miss my little guys, how they would grab my hand when I would pick them up, how cute they looked as they walked around there little house, how they would hold on to their bottle when I fed them. Things I wont miss: Feeding...every 4 hours, not getting to sleep all the way through the night, getting peed on, getting pooped on, stressing about if they are going to live, not being able to leave the house for more than 4 hours. But I will miss them and they gave me a great story to tell my kids one day :) So goodbye my little guys :)

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