Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Killing time with an ice pick....

So ever since I turned...19 I think is the magic number, I haven't really felt like a huge dork I was,that didn't fit in so much that I DID fit in. Its been getting worse over the years leading up to a huge depressed mass that doesn't know what to do with herself or get herself feeling better about life. Its been really hard to try and be happy and that's so bad to say because I have an amazing life with an amazing husband, but I just didn't feel that great. Yes I have dealt with depression a lot in my life and for a few years I use to take drugs (the ones the doctor gave to me) to make me feel normal, but I have stopped taking said drugs because I felt that I should be able to control my emotions myself. I write about all of this because I think I found what changed in my life and made me this way. I some how got the idea in my mind that I need to grow up and act like an adult and leave everything that made me me and made me happy behind. I was thinking tonight that I really don't need to do that, I am who I am. I'm a woman that will never really grow up. That's just the way I am and if I try to change that I will send myself into more depression and that's no good. You cant fight your inner you, I will still do the grown up things in life, because its expected of me and its the right thing to do, but I wont kill that inner child of mine, that's the thing that really gets me going in life, that and my husband. I am a child in a woman's body...OK that sounds a little creepy....

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Good bye squirrels :(

Well my little squirrel babies left to Salem today. Brig took them up to a place where people volunteer to take care of baby squirrels till they are old enough to be let out into the wild. We decided last night that taking them there would be the best for all of us. Ever since Sandy showed up on Thursday night I have been really stressed. I could hear a baby squirrel crying as Brig and I were watching t.v, it was dark outside so I grabbed a flash light and ran outside to find the poor baby. It was in our neighbors across the streets tree. I shined the light up there but couldn't find anything. I ran back inside the house to put some pants on (I had shorts on that were not modest and if anyone else came out there I didn't want to see anything) I was right in doing so cause when I went back out there the neighbors were out there looking. We looked up there for like 5 minutes until the poor baby fell out of the tree and with great luck landed on the dirt. The neighbors looked at it and pretty much thought it was a goner so they went back inside, I picked her up and ran back inside the house. I was so scared that she was dead or really badly hurt but she wasn't.I put her in with Randy and Randy freaked out to smell another squirrel. He loved it! She was a sweet little thing. We got her to eat after she warmed up...I hated that she was so cold. Now my little ones are gone...I guess the people told Brig that I did a wonderful job with Randy, they said that not a lot of people cant keep a pinky AKA little naked thing alive. They also told him that they are Fox squirrels. I miss my little guys, how they would grab my hand when I would pick them up, how cute they looked as they walked around there little house, how they would hold on to their bottle when I fed them. Things I wont miss: Feeding...every 4 hours, not getting to sleep all the way through the night, getting peed on, getting pooped on, stressing about if they are going to live, not being able to leave the house for more than 4 hours. But I will miss them and they gave me a great story to tell my kids one day :) So goodbye my little guys :)

Friday, September 25, 2009

New Squirrel

Yep. We now have 2 squirrels. This one is named sandy. So we have Sandy and Randy. More later. But here's a picture. Still no open eyes. But she's fuzzy.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Randy the rodent

Yesterday I found a strange little naked thing in my front lawn. I kept on hearing this loud squeaking outside my bedroom window, I looked out the window and couldn't see anything but one cat by the house and one cat looking up at our tree...guess it could hear the noise too. I, like the cat looking up at the tree with hunger in its eyes, thought it might be a bird, I went outside to see if I could find anything but there was nothing there. about 10 mins later the squeaking started again. I looked once again out the window and this time I saw something. The cat near our house had left for some reason and where it was laying was this little naked thing...I ran outside to see what the heck that thing was. I walked up to it to see if it was breathing, it was, very fast. There were ants crawling all over the poor thing and it was so young its eyes were not even open yet. I ran inside grabbed a box and a glove ( I wasn't about to pick that thing up with my bare hand!) and I ran outside to pick it up. when I got it in the box my next door neighbor started to drive by my house, but he stopped when he saw the look on my face. I ran up to his car and showed him what was in the box. He looked at it and told me it was a rat or something but we didn't have much time to chat cause the UPS man pulled up. I thought he saw the box and wanted to see what was in I showed him...he wasn't there for my little guy, he just wanted to give me a box. To make another long story short, I found out that he was a one or two week old baby squirrel. I have been feeding him and keeping him warm for more than 12 hours and he is doing great. He had scratches all over him because of the stupid cat but besides that he is great, I think its to early to see if he will live to be a grown up...but time will see. I should go check on him...he is kind of cute in a ugly way. :)

B'ham and Hanky

We had a great Labor dabor day up in Bellingham on the rez with Dug. You have got to love the laid back way of the rez, time just seems to slow down when your there and you feel at one with everything around you, at least I do. I love Dug, he is just awesome. He makes wonderful amazing wood carvings with his hands. I would love to have a talent like he has.I mean the things he makes are just outstanding. He carves skateboards out of these huge chunks of wood, he makes them look like birds and random animals. My favorite is a octopus, its almost as tall as me and it looks so real. I really wish the walkers were at their house so we could have stopped by, they are amazing people. Pretty much had the best time ever. OK, now here is the sad news. We left Hanky with my mom and Tobby with Brigs mom when we left to go to B'ham on Friday. We decided to come home a day early (on Sunday) so we could have Monday to hang out at home. We thought about picking up the dogs on our way home but we just went right home, thinking we would pick them up the next day after sleeping in a little, something you cant do when you live with dogs :) So then on Monday morning Brig got a phone call from his mom, after he hung up he told me that Hanky had passed away. I was a little shocked since we left her at my moms in what seemed to be perfect health. to make a long story short, Hanky started to feel sick around 11:30 on Sunday night. She was cold so my mom wrapped her in a blanket and stayed up with her all night. She was getting ready to take hanky to the vet the next morning and when she picked up hanky's cage, hanky wasnt moving. She had passed away before my mom could take her to the vet. She took Hanky's body into the vet to see what had happened to my dogie, the vet called hours later to say that Hanky had a bubble on her spleen and that bubble got bumped just right and she bled out. It was quick and painless. Hanky was 9.5 years old, I have been with her since she was a tiny puppy and loved her every day of her life. Brig, my family and I will miss her with all of our heart. Sorry this is so long....I'll let you get on with your life :) RIP Hanky

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

The best afternoon

I guess since I took time to make a blog and tell people about it I should update it from time to time. Ok, we are going to talk about an awesome and magic event that took place on saturday, downtown Eugene. I'm talking about the saturday market of course :) and I went with the best person in the I got to walk around at my own pace, look at what I wanted for as long as I wanted...bliss. Live music, the smell of garlic and deep fried what have you filled the air and more beautiful flowers and fresh veggies than you could shake a stick at. I did something I had never done before and bought some flowers for myself, it made me feel awesome...I think I should do that more offen...heaven knows I earn it :) Also while walking by all the crafts and homemade breads I saw something that I couldnt buy but wanted so very bad. I saw the type of woman I wanted to be in 40 years. She was tall and thin with shortish silver hair. She was dressed like a hippy...because duh, she was a hippy. She had a large woven basket full of fresh veggies...I dunno, there was something about her that spoke to me. Meh, when I got home from the great saturday market I got to clean the house, do dishes, you know...all that good stuff. Brig got home a few hours after I did and suprised me with a date night at Putters, a pizza and mini golf place. We got there and played games and guess what? I hit the jackpot and won 750 tickets! I'm so awesome :) We ate an awesome taco pizza and had a great time together. Well...dinner isnt going to make itself yeah....